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Non profit Ente Radar - Italian Shipping Academy Company offers a wide range of professional training courses for seafarers, aimed at enhancing safety at sea, while safeguarding human life.
Courses, mostly targeted at deck staff, meet national and international standards and IMO/STCW certification requirements.
Since the beginning of its activity, Ente Radar - Italian Shipping Academy has become the main maritime training center in Italy, specifically for radar use during navigation and manoeuvering; over the last few years the courses range has been widened in order to meet the ever increasing demands of the maritime market.
Its continuously updated equipment is currently among the most modern and sophisticated in the maritime world: the full mission simulator, complete with radar equipment, ARPA, TTD, AIS, LRIT, ECDIS, etc., has an extensive portfolio of ownships, both traditional and high-speed, and various vessel configurations can be replicated.
©2009-2020 Ente Radar Genova
Ente Radar - Italian Shipping Academy SRL
Via Oderico 10 − 16145 Genova
Tel. +39 010 0982950 - +39 010 3622472 − Fax +39 010 3705599
Codice Fiscale e Partita IVA 02179120999