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Courses are held year-round, except in the month of August and Christmas/Easter holidays.

Aside from the courses listed on the left, ENTE RADAR - ITALIAN SHIPPING ACADEMY might devise special courses to meet specific requirements from the maritime industry.

In the same light, course calendar is very flexible in order to meet the needs of participants.

For further information and for enrollment, please contact the administration office of "Ente Radar G.Marconi" at:
  • Phone: + 39 010 0982950
  • Fax: + 39 010 3705599
  • E-mail: Contact us
Contact names:
  • Capt. Giorgio PITACCO - Course Director and Public Relations
  • Luisa CANEPA - Course Planning
A few nearby hotels offer special rates agreements to "Ente Radar" course participants

Calendario Corsi Courses Dates
certificazione ©2009-2020 Ente Radar Genova

Ente Radar - Italian Shipping Academy SRL
Via Oderico 10 − 16145 Genova
Tel. +39 010 0982950 - +39 010 3622472 − Fax +39 010 3705599
Codice Fiscale e Partita IVA 02179120999

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