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corso ARPA-SAR

(management level)


IMO STCW International Convention
D.D. 7 Aug. 2001 - published in the Italian Official Gazette no. 212 - 12 Sept. 2001


ENTE RADAR - ITALIAN SHIPPING ACADEMY has been authorized to deliver this course by the Italian Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport - Italian Coast Guard Headquarters - decrees 65/2016 and 274/2016


Participants must hold the title of Deck Officer and must be in possession of the certificates proving that they have successfully attended Radar and ARPA courses (operational level).


The course lasts five days, including final assessment.


The course is required for all mariners aiming to obtain the IMO certification of:
  • Deck Officer (on ships of between 500 and 3000 G.T.)
  • Master (on ships of more than 3000 G.T.)


The course can be attended by all mariners holding a title of Chief Officer and who have successfully completed the RADAR NAVIGATION AND PLOTTING COURSE (operational level) and the AUTOMATIC RADAR PLOTTING AIDS COURSE - A.R.P.A.(operational level).
Certificates must be noted on seaman's book or be endorsed by the Port Captain.


The course lasts 38 hours. Attendance is mandatory.


The course provides the minimum training requirements for deck officers and masters on ships of 500 GT or more.
It aims to give the principles of Radar and ARPA use as an anti-collision means even in congested areas and in traffic separation zones, as well as to organize bridge team work and to perform search and rescue operations.
All the above operations are supported by the use of a 9 workstation shiphandling simulator, introducing to the use of ARPA, ECDIS, GMDSS, GPS, VHF, VTS, SART, EPIRB equipment, etc.. The simulator, equipped with six own vessels and tracking up to 50 targets, reproduces real navigation: the possibility to create sea, wind, fog, rain effects and the variation of light effect based on hour, day, month and latitude lend a highly realistic environment to the simulation, showing also nightfall and sunrise effects and including night navigation.


The relevant IMO STCW certificate, internationally recognized, is issued after successful completion of final exams.


The course is scheduled year-round, except in the month of August.

For more details and availability, please contact the administration office of Ente Radar (tel. + 39 010 0982950, fax + 39 010 3705599, e-mail: contacts )

Calendario Corsi Courses Dates
certificazione ©2009-2020 Ente Radar Genova

Ente Radar - Italian Shipping Academy SRL
Via Oderico 10 − 16145 Genova
Tel. +39 010 0982950 - +39 010 3622472 − Fax +39 010 3705599
Codice Fiscale e Partita IVA 02179120999

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